One of the benefits of working as a physical therapist is the opportunity to work in a variety of settings. Traditionally, most physical therapists work out of a physical therapy clinic. Today’s guest makes a difference in the lives of his clients at a cutting-edge strength and conditioning gym. Kelly Starrett , DPT, owner and founder of San Francisco CrosSFit follows a movement first based approach to physical therapy.
The clinic uses performance-based physical therapy that combines strength and conditioning rehabilitation with manual therapy to help people achieve optimal athletic performance and enhanced function. Much of the equipment you’d expect to find in his physical therapy arsenal does not exist. Starrett doesn’t use ultrasound, electric stim, cold laser therapy or TENS. He instead focuses on proven manual therapy techniques to facilitate movement and improve mobilization.
The gym is cash-based and offers a number of programs to keep clients well and injury free. He’s also committed to providing videos showcasing basic preventative maintenance anyone can do to help prevent injury on his Mobilitywod blog. Starrett believes physical therapists are the most prepared to facilitate the wellness model. Learn more about this exciting approach to helping people reach their full potential by listening to the podcast now.