Tag Archives: pay for performance

EMR Offers More than Just Physical Therapy Documentation

Electronic medical record (EMR) systems provide physical therapists with the ability to access a patient’s complete medical record. But these, systems can offer much more than easy access to patient’s treatments, procedures and prescriptions.  EMR systems can help streamline billing, marketing efforts and more. Today’s expert, Nitin Chhoda PT, DPT and author of “Physical Therapy [...]

Tapping into New Referral Sources

Physicians are often one of the top sources physical therapists rely on for referrals.  However, they don’t have to be. Today’s expert joins us for a second time, Jarod Carter, PT, DPT, MTC owns cash-based physical therapy clinic, Carter Physiotherapy . He shares some of the secrets to obtaining non-physician referrals. Author of the book [...]

Reforming the Payment System for Outpatient Physical Therapy Services

The APTA has been working on a plan to reform payment for outpatient physical therapy services to enhance quality of care, recognize and promote clinical judgment and communicate the value of physical therapy services. To achieve these goals, the APTA has developed a proposed payment model for outpatient services.  The alternative payment system (APS) is [...]

New HEP Compliance Tool for Physical Therapy Patients

Patients sometimes need a friendly reminder to do their prescribed home exercises and a gentle nudge to change their behavior.  Today’s expert offers a solution to help patients make exercise a part of their daily routine.  James Lomuscio is the co-founder of DropKicker, a HEP compliance tool for physical therapy patients The DropKicker system allows [...]