Tag Archives: physical therapy referrals

Tapping into New Referral Sources

Physicians are often one of the top sources physical therapists rely on for referrals.  However, they don’t have to be. Today’s expert joins us for a second time, Jarod Carter, PT, DPT, MTC owns cash-based physical therapy clinic, Carter Physiotherapy . He shares some of the secrets to obtaining non-physician referrals. Author of the book [...]

A New Approach to Physical Therapy Referrals

Referrals remain one of the best ways for private practice physical therapy owners to gain more clients. Dedicating the time and effort to obtaining referrals pays off.   Today’s guest, Paul Martin, MPT,CBI, owner of Martin Healthcare Advisors, shares an innovative approach to obtaining referrals. The approach Martin advocates physical therapists use to generate referrals is [...]