Build Your Physical Therapy Network with Social Media

Social media offers the perfect platform for physical therapists to stay informed, engage with peers, discover the latest physical therapy news and share the benefits of physical therapy. This week’s expert does exactly that. You may know her as @SnippetPhysTher on Twitter. In this informative podcast, Selena Horner, PT, MS, GCS, ATC shares how social media can benefit your practice.  She’s also a regular blogger on Evidence in Motion and owner Red Cedar Physical Therapy.

Selena first turned to social media as a medium to share information and bounce ideas off other physical therapists. She uses social networks to share content that she thinks will benefit others. Before jumping into social media, Selena recommends first understanding what you want to use social media for.

Listen to the full podcast now to discover the tools she uses to maximize social media to share information and connect with other physical therapists.

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One Comment

  1. Selena Horner
    Posted January 6, 2013 at 9:27 pm | Permalink


    I will admit, I was a tad nervous at first! Thanks for asking me AND making it fun! I’ll see you in a couple of weeks!


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