Is Electrical Stimulation as Complex as it Seems? Part 2

Electrical stimulation is often misunderstood or underutilized in physical therapy. Despite the complex terms and technical aspects associated with electrical stimulation, this modality is relatively easy to learn and proven to provide effective patient outcomes.  In the second part of a two part podcast, Keith Khoo, PT at the Oklahoma Neurological Center of Excellence (ONCE) clearly explains some of the theories, techniques and uses for electrical stimulation.

Electrical stimulation relies upon a couple of theories for pain management.  One theory deals with the Endogenous Opiate Theory where electrical stimulation can provide pain relief for up to five or six hours. This theory allows physical therapists to predict when pain relief occurs and how long the pain relief should last.  The Gate Control Theory uses electrical stimulation to interrupt the pain receptors before they reach the brain.  Each theory has value when helping your patients cope with pain.

Beyond pain relief, there are a variety of uses for electrical stimulation.  It’s also an effective means for treating edema and strengthening muscles. To find out more about uses for electrical stimulation and the technique found to be the most comfortable to patients, listen now.

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