Yes…I am serious. It IS a page turner! When you pick it up for the first time, you will be impressed with the new look and the amount of information packed between the covers.
Michelle H. Cameron MD, PT, OCS joins Jeff Worrell to discuss her 3rd edition of Physical Agents in Rehabilitation: From Research to Practice. Her book is a standard text in over half of the Physical Therapy programs in the United States. The third edition has a new chapter dedicated to light therapy which is a modality gaining popularity in the United States even though it has been used successfully in other parts of the world for many years. Why Ultrasound gets a bad rap, Lymphedema and balance issues are all topics of interest in this updated version.
Dr. Cameron is an Instructor at Oregon Health and Science University and is also involved in a new research project focused on balance and people with Multiple Sclerosis. To contact her send us an email at
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