Why Every PT Should be Thinking About The Senior Market

Everyone knows the Senior population is growing in the United States and medicine is struggling to address their very specific needs.  As the population ages they are seeking help for a variety of maladies including locomotion, balance, bed mobility, transfer, etc.  Dean Spragia discusses a 14 week strength training program that is specifically geared to this market using specialized weight equipment to achieve documentable outcomes. The study shows

  • 81% increase in Leg Press strength
  • 39% increase on Triceps
  • 53% increase for seated hip flexion

Not only are there benefits to the patients, but also financial benefits to facilities that start a Freedom Through Function program.  The Functional Independence Measurement Score, FIM, equates out to a $280,000 yearly cost reduction with 100 participants.

According to Spragia and the study authors, this program contributes to mobility and fall risk reduction.  If you are working with a senior population or want to explore the opportunities that might exist, this podcast should be required homework.

To get a copy of the research mentioned, send an email to feedback@pttalker.com

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