Tag Archives: private practice physical therapy

Cognitive Health Program Ideal for Physical Therapists

According to AARP, one of the biggest fears people have as they age is losing mental capacity. Today’s expert has developed a proactive program that provides a positive impact on brain health. Lynn Steffes, PT, DPT of Steffes & Associates Consulting Group and BrainyEX recently shared details about cognitive health and how physical therapists can [...]

Bringing Physical Therapy Direct to Customers

Instead of bringing physical therapy customers to your clinic, today’s expert brings physical therapy direct to consumers in their own home. Benjamin Gold, PT, MCMT owns HPTNYC a boutique home physical therapy service in Manhattan and is currently working on building a similar model in Australia. From day one, the clinic has been cash-based. He’s [...]

Another Cash-Based Physical Therapy Success Story

The third party payer system poses a variety of challenges for physical therapy clinic owners.  From the cost of collecting payments to the difficulty of negotiating rates with insurance companies the traditional third party payer system can impact the bottom line of a clinic which has made a cash-based practice appealing to many physical therapy [...]

Optimistic Outlook for Physical Therapy

The landscape of health care is constantly changing and direct access to physical therapy is providing new opportunities to physical therapists. Today’s expert Lisa Kemp, DPT, President and Clinical Director at Advantage Physical Therapy Associates shares why she is so optimistic about the future. She credits direct access for providing her clinic with the opportunity [...]