Tag Archives: physical therapy

Optimistic Outlook for Physical Therapy

The landscape of health care is constantly changing and direct access to physical therapy is providing new opportunities to physical therapists. Today’s expert Lisa Kemp, DPT, President and Clinical Director at Advantage Physical Therapy Associates shares why she is so optimistic about the future. She credits direct access for providing her clinic with the opportunity [...]

Why Physical Therapy Branding Matters

A brand as defined by the American Marketing Association is a “name, term, sign, symbol or design, or a combination of them intended to identify the goods and services of one seller or group of sellers and to differentiate them from those of other sellers.” Today’s expert, Dr. Ben Fung is a physical therapist that [...]

Why NOW is the Best Time to Be in Private Practice

Jeff Worrell, the host of PT Talker, recently had the opportunity to discuss trends and ways to avoid private practice mistakes in a podcast with the Dr. Joe Simon of Private Practice Business Academy. Click below to listen to this full podcast and hear his tips for physical therapists to best market the equipment they have [...]

Physical Therapy System Helps Provide Effective and Consistent Customer Communication

We’ve had a few podcasts focused on the importance of providing outstanding customer service. This week’s podcast features a tool designed to help you do just that. James Lomuscio, CEO & Co-founder of Hability, a patient relationship management system shares how the system helps you improve customer communication, engagement and retention.  Hability was designed to [...]