Tag Archives: insurance billing

Customizing Industrial Rehab to Meet Employer Needs

In companies where on-site services are available, employers can reduce work comp costs by up to 75%. To share how one physical therapy group helps employees avoid injury and return to work quicker, Larry D. Briand, MS, PT, ATC, Founder & CEO of Rehab Management Solutions and Connie Ziccarelli, Principal and Chief Operations Officer recently [...]

A New Approach to Physical Therapy Referrals

Referrals remain one of the best ways for private practice physical therapy owners to gain more clients. Dedicating the time and effort to obtaining referrals pays off.   Today’s guest, Paul Martin, MPT,CBI, owner of Martin Healthcare Advisors, shares an innovative approach to obtaining referrals. The approach Martin advocates physical therapists use to generate referrals is [...]

Physical Therapy and the Alternative Payment System

Payment reform systems offer a way to achieve greater reporting accuracy, promote quality care and minimize fraud. To improve quality of care and create an accurate payment system built upon providing medically necessary physical therapy services, the APTA has proposed to reform payment for outpatient physical therapy services by transitioning from the current fee-for-service, procedural-based [...]

Embracing Change is the Key to Private Practice Success

Declining reimbursements and increased competition from hospital and doctor-owned physical therapy clinics often make it difficult for private practice physical therapy clinics to remain profitable. Despite the challenges, Blaine Stimac, PT, owner and CEO of Professional Therapy Associates, has a positive outlook on the future.  He shares some of the things his private practice is [...]