Tag Archives: Advantage Medical

Physical Therapy Directed Exercise Counseling Benefits Patients with Type 2 Diabetes

According to the American Diabetes Association, 25.8 million children and adults in the United States have diabetes. Of the diabetes cases, nearly 90 percent are type 2 cases impacting older adults. Recent research has found type 2 diabetes in children is also on the rise. Today’s expert, J. David Taylor, PhD, PT, CSCS, shares some [...]

Physical Therapist & Elite Triathlete Helps Others Optimize Performance

According to USA Triathlon, triathlon participation in the United States is at an all-time high. Today’s expert is an amateur elite triathlete and physical therapist that specializes in helping athletes optimize their performance.  Chris Johnson owns his own private practice facility, Chris Johnson PT, in the Flatiron district of Manhattan. He believes being an elite [...]

Moving Physical Therapy Forward

What does the evidence really show?  That’s a question today’s expert is constantly asking.  A forward-thinking physical therapist and advocate for practicing physical therapy that follows the evidence, Joseph Brence, DPT is the facility director at Keystone Rehab Systems and founder of the Forward Thinking PT blog. Brence encourages physical therapists to look at the [...]

APTA President Releases Statement on Health Care Law

Earlier today, the Supreme Court announced their decision on the Affordable Care Act (ACA). The court upheld the law, and ruled the Affordable Care Act constitutional. The ruling will have an impact on all areas of health care, including physical therapy. Paul Rockar, Jr, PT, DPT, MS, president of the American Physical Therapy Association,  issued a statement in [...]