Why PT’s Are Falling Over Balance; Part 1

Earlier in the year on PT Talker, Fran Fowler caught the attention of our listeners when she mentioned new guidelines from Medicare regarding fall risk factors and balance assessments.  Specifically, when fall risk factors are identified by the physician, the Dr. must show he or she is doing something to mitigate the problem and work towards a solution.

To follow up on the earlier podcast and provide more information, I invited balance expert Dr. Marcia Thompson, DPT to further clarify for you the Medicare rule changes.  She points out that Physicians are looking for a place to send patients that exhibit a fall risk factor because they are looking for a solution.  During the interview, Dr. Thompson also revealed how Physical Therapists can earn 2% more in reimbursement if they screen a Medicare beneficiary for three risk factors.  If that wasn’t enough, jammed into this 15 minute podcast she also explains the new Physician Quality Reporting Initiative (PQRI) and why the time is right for Physical Therapists to implement balance programs in their practice.

In our continueing effort to provide business news and ideas for therapists, PT Talker is proud to bring you the latest information on fall risk factors and Medicare.  Be sure to tune in next Thursday for Part 2 of our interview.  For more information email to feedback@pttalker.com.  Jeff Worrell

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