We’re thrilled to have Chad Madden, MSPT, successful private practice clinic owner at Madden Physical Therapy join us for a second podcast. Over the years, Madden has implemented a number of things to enhance his clinic’s growth and is now sharing that information in a bootcamp designed for physical therapists and their staff.
Attendees at the upcoming Breakthrough Physical Therapy Marketing Bootcamp will learn how to achieve growth in a competitive climate. Discover how to stop relying on physicians for referrals. Find approaches to get current patients to refer new patients. As well as discover tips to attract direct access patients from the general public.
The event is designed for physical therapists and their staff to walk away with information they can implement immediately. The next BPTM Killer Marketing Implementation Bootcamp is July 7th and 8th in Chicago, Illinois. To reserve your spot, visit https://bptm.co/bootcamp-7-chicago and use the coupon code ADMED.