Recent Blue Light Therapy Research Opens the Door to New Physical Therapy Service Offerings

Treating acne and psoriasis is not commonly linked with physical therapy. However, some new research by the University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, College of Health Sciences Dean Chukuka Enwemeka, PhD, FACSM, may change this. Dr. Enwemeka shares his findings with PT Talker in one of a two-part podcast. 
Dr. Enwemeka and his team of researchers found that UV-free wavelengths of blue light can kill deadly bacteria. This discovery offers a viable alternative to using antibiotics to fight bacteria-based diseases and infections.  Blue light treatment using LEDS or lasers can be used to kill skin diseases such as Methycillin Resistant Staphylococcus Aureus, psoriasis and acne. Tune in now to learn more about using blue light therapy in your clinic.
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