Our expert today will make you think twice about overlooking the Medicare KX modifier. For patients that have exceeded the $1840 annual per beneficiary cap, Tim Richardson, PT advocates using outcome measures to document the need for increased physical therapy services. He fully admits that many therapists view the KX modifier as an invitation for a Medicare audit…..which most try to avoid like the plague. But, Tim makes a strong case that a disservice to the Medicare beneficiary occurs when the modifier is not used; when it should be.
Listen in this month as Jeff Worrell interviews Tim Richardson, PT of Medical Arts Rehab in Palmetto, FL and the author of soon to be released book, Bulletproof Physical Therapy Decisions. In the book, due out January of 2010, Tim offers tools and resources for Physical Therapist interested in Medicare compliance. A major clarification made in the book is the difference between process measures and outcome measures for Medicare. Everyone seems to be aware of the 8 minute rule for Medicare which would be an example of a process rule that is somewhat arbitrary. But, are therapists using outcome measures like the Optimal Form or Lower Extremity Functional Scale? His book documents over 20 outcome measure tools.
To find out more about Tim Richardson, PT and his work, www.bulletproofpt.com, or www.bulletproofphysicaltherapydecisions.com. You can also follow Tim on Twitter at PTGuru. Check back reguarly for information on the exact release date for Bulletproof Physical Therapy Decisions.