Is There A Doctor in the House? DPT Explained

Dr. Peter Rundquist DPT, Chair of the Krannert School of Physical Therapy at the University of Indianapolis discusses the changes in the educational process for Physical Therapy.  As part of the APTA’s 20/20 Vision plan, the Association has set out on a path to create Doctors of Physical Therapy instead of a Masters Level degree.

He goes on to share why increasing the educational level of new PT grads is so important to our industry including how DPT affects the fight for direct access.  Timely information about the new DPT designation arrearing on business cards where simply PT appeared before.  Join Jeff Worrell and Dr. Rundquist for an informative discussion about all aspects of DPT.

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One Comment

  1. PAX
    Posted November 5, 2009 at 5:47 pm | Permalink

    Dr Rundquist,

    We may have to weigh the scales here. The designation of a DPT may be positive in terms of direct access as is the case in states such as CA et cetera. However, would such usage of designations put the PT practioner & community at large in direct conflict with the referring MD ?

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