Tag Archives: Physical Therapist

Are you Ready to Get Fyzical?

Decreasing reimbursements, lack of resources and costly compliance systems are just a few of the challenges faced by private practice physical therapy clinics.  Today’s expert, Mike Graves is a physical therapist and one of the Managing Partners of Fyzical Therapy and Balance Centers. He shares some of the unique aspects of their franchise and the benefits it provides [...]

Bringing Physical Therapy Direct to Customers

Instead of bringing physical therapy customers to your clinic, today’s expert brings physical therapy direct to consumers in their own home. Benjamin Gold, PT, MCMT owns HPTNYC a boutique home physical therapy service in Manhattan and is currently working on building a similar model in Australia. From day one, the clinic has been cash-based. He’s [...]

Another Cash-Based Physical Therapy Success Story

The third party payer system poses a variety of challenges for physical therapy clinic owners.  From the cost of collecting payments to the difficulty of negotiating rates with insurance companies the traditional third party payer system can impact the bottom line of a clinic which has made a cash-based practice appealing to many physical therapy [...]

Why Physical Therapy Branding Matters

A brand as defined by the American Marketing Association is a “name, term, sign, symbol or design, or a combination of them intended to identify the goods and services of one seller or group of sellers and to differentiate them from those of other sellers.” Today’s expert, Dr. Ben Fung is a physical therapist that [...]