Tag Archives: ACO

Rehabilitation a part of HHS Finalized Provisions

The APTA recently announced the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) finalized provisions in the Affordable Care Act.  The provision ensures that health plans offered both in individual and small groups must offer a core package of items and services.  Rehabilitation and habilitation services and devices are a part of the essential health benefits [...]

A Private Physical Therapy Practice that Has Withstood the Test of Time

Wonder what it takes for a private physical therapy practice to continue to grow and prosper since 1978?  Today’s expert, Shawn Burger, MPT of Burger Rehabilitation, shares some of the secrets to running a successful family-owned private practice. The clinic was started by his mother and is now the oldest private practice of their size [...]

Physical Therapy and the Alternative Payment System

Payment reform systems offer a way to achieve greater reporting accuracy, promote quality care and minimize fraud. To improve quality of care and create an accurate payment system built upon providing medically necessary physical therapy services, the APTA has proposed to reform payment for outpatient physical therapy services by transitioning from the current fee-for-service, procedural-based [...]

Creating a More Stable Environment for Physical Therapists

Rising physical therapy co-payments have made physical therapy cost-prohibitive for some. Patients used to pay just $10 or $20 per physical therapy visit. Today, most patients are paying a co-payment of  $40 to $60 per visit.  Today’s expert is one of the physical therapists confronting this issue head-on.  Patrick Privatera, MS, PT, ATC, is president [...]