Six months after the devastating earthquake hit Haiti, the need for physical therapy remains. After the earthquake, patients were initially treated in the hospital and had no physical therapy clinic available for follow-up treatment and rehabilitation. A couple of physical therapists saw the need and started the Global Therapy Group to provide occupational and physical therapy to the people of Haiti. Today’s podcast features Donna Hutchinson, PT and one of the founders of the Global Therapy Group.
Global Therapy Group is looking for experienced therapists who can volunteer for a two week period or longer. A typical therapist treats up to 25 patients of all ages a day with cases ranging from amputees to crush injuries. The group is committed to running the clinic with volunteer occupational and physical therapists for the next two years. The Global Therapy Group is part of the Haitian government’s Injury and Rehab Disability Working Group and has started the process to establish a Rehabilitation Technician Training Program for Haitians. The hope is to turn the clinic over within five years to a PT director with therapy services provided by trained Haitian Rehabilitation Technicians.
Tune in now to learn how you can make a difference by donating your time, skills or money to assist in Haiti. Additional information can also be found on their website (, Facebook page or their volunteer’s blog “Therapy Adventures in Haiti.”