Does Laser Therapy Have a Place in Your Practice? YES, But Will You Get Paid?????

From the exhibit hall of the APTA Combined Sections Convention in Las Vegas, Pete Holmes of longtime Laser manufacturer MedX joins Jeff Worrell for a frank discussion about IR Light Therapy.  They discuss how phototherapy is being used in the Physical Therapy Industry to decrease patient healing time.  Even though reimbursement on the product is not great, sales continue to increase because of the results clinicians see in the clinic.

Mr. Holmes talks about the indications for use, the types of lasers on the market and most importantly, how laser works.  When IR and Red light come in contact with the Chromophores of the cell, light energy is converted to chemical energy increasing ATP production.  That kicks off the KREBS Cycle launching a series of events that happen at the cellular level and then invite microcirculation to increase.  When this occurs, a positive production of seratonin and other good chemicals is produced.  Research also shows that when the light is removed, there is still a benefit at the cellular level creating what has been dubbed, Islands of Light.  These continue the benefits thus explaining why laser tends to have a cumulative effect on patients.  Progress improves exponentially the more treatments are applied.

Good information for anyone that wants to know more about the world of Light Therapy.  To request more details email

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